North Hampshire

Bounty Inn

81 Bounty Road
RG21 3BZ
Emailku.oc.ekotsgnisabytnuob@ofni Telephone(01256) 212967
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarParkingSmokingDog FriendlyWiFi
Opening times: Mon–Sun 12:00-23:00

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This 1830 pub is one of Basingstoke's very few remaining historic hostelries. The present name acknowledges a gift (bounty) of land to the community from local brewer and entrepreneur Colonel John May, which includes the adjacent cricket ground. Recently refurbished throughout, the pub welcomes all ages and food is served daily. There is a pleasant, landscaped south-facing beer garden. Notably the Gents is the last remaining outside toilet in town.