North Hampshire

Pub & Club of the Year

Pub of the Year Award

Every year, each branch of CAMRA can pick a Pub of the Year (PotY), Cider Pub of the Year (CPotY) and Club of the Year (CotY). This is your chance to help decide which pubs and club should be honoured with such a title and can go on to compete in the national competition. We need nominations from the branch to get the ball rolling and this year there is the opportunity to get out to the shortlisted pubs and do some judging yourself using the full criteria.

Nominate your pubs and club now by emailing

Stage 1 (Complete by 1st February)

Nominations are requested from branch members for their preferred pub in each category. We know it is tricky to pick just one pub or club, but please try to limit it to one submission for each category as there can only be one winner after all! Please email this nomination to  with the subject poty nomination before the  1st February . These nominations will be used to generate a shortlist which will be agreed at the branch meeting on the 1st February. Remember that it is not just about beer or cider quality and range, it is the whole experience of visiting the pub. Welcome, community engagement, atmosphere, decor and overall impressions are important in this competition.

Stage 2 (Completed by 10th March)

Pubs & clubs on the shortlists will be Judged using the national scoring criteria. Everyone can take part in this process however we ask that you score every pub to ensure fairness. Ideally the pubs should be visited at least once during this process, but we realise this is not always possible and you may have to use previous experiences. Further details on this stage of the competition will follow in due course.

If you have any questions, please email


Andy Fenwick

North Hampshire POTY coordinator 2023