Welcome to North Hampshire Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)
The Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA) campaigns for good quality real ale, community pubs and consumer rights, all carried out with a lot of socialising, enjoyment and fun.
About us
The North Hampshire Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) is a group that enjoys pubs and beer festivals, supports local pubs and breweries, and campaigns for a better deal for the pub user.
With over 650 members the group's area stretches from across the northern reaches of Hampshire including the main centres of Andover and Basingstoke. Hartley Wintney and Odiham are included to the east; Whitchurch, Sutton Scotney and Stockbridge are to the west, and Tadley and Kingsclere are northern-ish, but we don't reach as far as the Watford Gap ;-)
The group is part of national CAMRA, with a membership of over 192,000 and which has been going strong since 1971.
Social events and meetings are regularly held with enjoyable walkabouts, town and city trails, while visits to beer festivals and breweries all appear from time to time within the calendar. Check out the Events and Branch Diary for new Events
Join us – it can be Fun.
Next Events
Branch Meetings and Socials
Branch Meeting
February 5th @ 8.00pm
Fox Inn, Newfound
Agenda for the Feb 8th meeting - March Kings Arms
Minutes of the previous branch meetings and AGM are accessible via the Branch Meeting Minutes link on the left hand menu
Beer Festivals
- NH CAMRA Winter Beer Festival
- Overton Beer Festival "Firkins and Fizz"
Pub of the Year
The Andover Tap – Andover
Cider Pub of the Year
The Andover Tap – Andover
Club of the Year
Whitchurch Sports & Social Club - Whitchurch
North Hampshire CAMRA Beer Festival 2025

Check out our Facebook Group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/camrahantsnorth
Check Out WhatPub and help us keep it up to date
The details in WhatPub are given in good faith, but with the size of our area, we are only able to visit pubs occasionally. In particular, pub opening hours and the beer range vary on a regular basis.
If you find that an entry that is out of date, or you can provide additional information, please go to the pub in WhatPub and you can submit amendments using the Submit Updates tab.
Contact: For any queries, comments, suggestions concerning the North Hampshire CAMRA Website please contact the Webmaster/Branch Contact via this link => Webmaster