North Hampshire

Mutton at Hazeley Heath

Red Hill
Hazeley Heath
RG27 8NB
Emailku.oc.hhnottumeht@snoitavreser Telephone(01252) 221090
Real AleReal FireGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsParkingServes LocAle
Opening times: Mon and Tue closed; Wed–Sat 11:30-23:00; Sun 11:30-20:00
Regular beers: Andwell Gold Muddler, Andwell Resolute Bitter

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

The Mutton at Hazeley Heath has opened in the same building as the Shoulder of Mutton and have a chef from one of the top restaurants in the country in the kitchen who has a vision to transform it back into a warm, inviting pub offering good quality, locally sourced, food and a extensive range of local beers and spirits.