Wherwell Home Guard Club
The Old Hill, WherwellWherwell
SP11 7JB

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Only one of three Home Guard Clubs in the country this Club was saved by the local members. Originally in a Nissan Hut, a new brick building was built around it, before being dismantled. The car park is a filled in part of the old railway line (bridge can still be seen). There are two rooms, both with bars. One houses a full size snooker table (also used for billiards). Darts, Pool and Shove ha'penny are also available. Opens four evenings a week and also on Tuesday evenings in the winter for Billiards League matches. This tucked away Club is run by volunteers. The real ale is local and usually from Betteridges or Andwell. Private Browning's Best Bitter is named after a previous Home Guard member and was launched in April 2016 to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Home Guard.